Sunday, February 3, 2013


Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
                                                                        Philippians 4:8-9

“You are what you eat!” How many times have your heard that old cliché? Well, just because it gets said so often, doesn’t mean it isn’t true. But, here’s something you haven’t heard and it’s even more important, “You are what you think!”

That’s right. Everything you allow into your mind, positively or negatively, will eventually affect your actions, your decisions and your whole life. Your thoughts direct every aspect of living; your family, your job, your faith, and yes, what you eat! So, just like you have a choice every time you go to a restaurant or into your refrigerator, you must choose wisely when feeding your mind.

And if you take anything from this little lesson, remember this: people are to your mind what food is to your stomach.

People have a strong affect on our lives. I firmly believe that we become like the people with whom we spend the most time. The people you associate with from day to day have a major influence on how you think and make decisions. You can’t avoid the process, it’s just part of how God designed us. Haven’t you ever been around a wonderful, faith-filled, person who electrifies you? They’re wonderful. They make you believe anything is possible and they give you hope!

On the other hand, we have the complainers. And they don’t want to go down and live in the pits alone. Oh no. They want company. And if you spend your time with them, they’ll get their way. Psychologists have proven that continued association with complainers can be enough to sabotage all your opportunities for success.

Let’s leave the complainers behind. Viktor Frankl reminds us that, “Just as a small fire is extinguished by the storm, whereas a large fire is enhanced by it, likewise a weak faith is weakened by predicament and catastrophes whereas a strong faith is strengthened by them.”

So, if you want to become the type of person who electrifies others, someone who brings strength and empowerment to those who need it, someone who motivates and brings more life to others, then surround yourself with people who are already doing it!

How? The solution is simple. Surround yourself with the One who is more positive, more full of joy, more capable of love and hope than anyone. Surround yourself with Jesus and you will become like Jesus! Your mind will work like His. Your heart will beat like His! Your soul will forgive like His!

This Week’s Prayer

Dear Lord, allow me to let go of myself and to be more like Christ. Grant me the vision to imitate Him in all that I do. Clear my mind of negative thoughts. I know they are doing me no good, nor anyone I know. Renew my mind to the hope and wonder of your Kingdom and your Creation. Allow me to spread the truly Good News of Jesus all day, every day with an attitude that affirms Him and those He loves. Amen.