Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.
                                                                                    1 John 3:16

Decades ago the Soviet Union imposed atheism and forced Christians to renounce their faith or face terrible consequences. During this dark period in the history of Russian, many kept the faith by meeting secretly to pray, worship and teach the Gospel. 

One Sunday, in the early 1970's, a few believers quietly made their way to an "underground" church outside Moscow. They arrived in small groups throughout the day so as not to arouse the suspicion of the NKVD - the Soviet Secret Police.

When everyone gathered together they began singing a quiet hymn. Suddenly, they heard heavy steps approaching the front door. Without warning two uniformed officers, loaded weapons at the ready, burst into the house. One of them shouted, “If you wish to renounce your commitment to Jesus Christ, leave now!”

Three of the quiet Christians quickly left, then another. As the two secret police glared at the others, two more of the frightened believers fled. “This is your last chance,” the second officer commanded. “Either turn against your faith in Christ,” he ordered, “or stay and suffer the consequences.” Abruptly, two more slipped out into the night.

After that, the intimidation no longer worked. No one else moved a muscle. Parents tried to reassure their frightened children beside them, fully expecting to be gunned down or imprisoned in the Gulag. Then, one of the soldiers closed the door and locked it securely.

He turned to the few  remaining worshipers and spoke, “We raided another house church just like this several weeks ago to arrest a group of believers.” 

The other officer interrupted, But, instead, we became Christians there. We apologize for chasing your friends away, but we have learned by experience that unless people are willing to die for their faith, they cannot be fully trusted.”

The two officers then joined the core group in worship.

How would you react to the decision to run or die for your faith? It is the ultimate measure of what your individual faith in Jesus means to you.

If only we could deepen our relationship with the Lord so that our minds are focused on heavenly things rather than being consumed with the worldly ones. Then, it would be easy to make the truest decision should that day ever come. After all, Jesus had the choice to live or die for us ... and He chose death, death so that we could live.

Would you make the same choice for Him?

This Week’s Prayer
Courage, Dear Lord. I only ask for the courage to do Your will, to choose You over all else, to make the most of the blessings You have given me, and to make every decision for Your sake alone. Amen.