Sunday, September 23, 2012


“The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said,
‘Look, the Lamb of God,  who takes away the sin of the world!’”
John 1:29

On the yard of a little church in a small German town stands a statue of a lamb. At the base of the statue  there is a simple inscription that reads: MEMORIAL TO THE CRUSHED LAMB.
After World War II, a group of men began working on the tall roof of the church to repair damages sustained during the fierce battles that took place nearby. One of the dedicated workmen lost his footing, tripped and fell off the roof, plummeting to the earth below.
Quickly, the other men raced down the long latter with very little hope of finding their friend alive. As they descended they began shouting to the other nearby people of the village to come and help. Though deep in their hearts, they knew there was little that could be done. It was a terribly long fall and only a miracle could save the man from being killed on the hard ground
Finally reaching him, the men found their companion moaning and in pain, but very much alive.
Then they realized the man was lying on top of something, as though he had fallen onto a strange cushion. When they lifted the man to his feet, they understood immediately what had occurred. A lamb had been feeding on the grass at the wall of the church. The poor little lamb had broken the man’s fall and saved his life, but lost its own in the process.
He was so grateful that he had the statue of a lamb erected in the very place where he fell.
Take a moment and think about this little lamb. How something so gentle and kind was sacrificed to save the man’s life. Isn’t it strange how we feel such compassion for soft, furry animals? I can just picture the tiny creature lying peacefully on the grass, his eyes closed for the last time.
If your heart is touched by this story and the image of the crushed lamb, will you not also be touched by the image of our Savior Jesus? When you think of Christ being lowered from the Cross, does your heart not ache in the same way. Are you not grateful for the miraculous way in which His death saved your fall?
You may not be able to erect a statue in honor of the sacrifice He made for you, but isn’t it time to build a place of honor in your heart?
The next time you take communion, remember the Crushed Lamb and where you might be had He not broken your fall. Remember, you are in the presence of Jesus, the One who saved you. And if we can feel such loving compassion for the little lamb at the church, then certainly our hearts can be filled with love for the Lamb of God.

This week’s prayer
Lord Jesus, thank you for the Cross. Without your sacrifice I would be falling to my death right now. Because of your love I have nothing to fear, not even death itself. Please remind me of your love every day of my life. Let me never forget what you have done for me. Guide me and strengthen me so that I may also be a living sacrifice whenever and wherever you may need me. Amen.

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