Tuesday, October 4, 2011


"Do not be deceived: 'Bad company corrupts good morals'"
                                                    1 Corinthians 15:33

Fellowship is such an illustrious word! It is derived from the idea of two people traveling together on a ship. It meant two or more companions, working on a journey together, sharing one common community and communication. Along the way they would revel in the energy of the relationship and experience the adventure together.

I think of my own journeys on airlines in the modern age. Fellowship can be impossible on a long flight when you’re sitting next to someone who isn’t very nice, but instead rude and demanding. I am sure you have had this experience as well. The hours go by so slowly. Fellowship like this can make you look for the nearest emergency exit!

In the long-term, fellowship must be taken very seriously. If we choose the right partners in fellowship, it sustains us, causes us to grow in faith and ultimately brings us closer to God. But, the wrong fellowship, one that is negative or unhealthy, can break your spirit and tear down your soul.

If you were to check the passengers on the journey of your life, who would be there? Are there people who can assist you in getting to your final destination in victory? Or is your vessel filled with those who make you stumble and fall?

Perhaps you have never considered fellowship like this before, but the company you keep is essential to the success or failure of your entire life. You may like to believe that you are immune to the influence of others, but we are designed by God as social creatures. Those around us affect our behavior.

The Bible says, "Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnerships have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness?" If you are constantly surrounded by the voices of anxiety, you may be in fellowship with the darkness of fear. This would keep you anchored to the shores of safety and comfort. But, you were made for the journey, not to rest at the docks.

Don’t set sail with the wrong companions. You may find yourself seeing everything through a dense fog and end up at the wrong destination. Faith comes by hearing, but so do doubt and fear. How much better is it to voyage with Jesus Christ, to climb aboard and find Jesus at rest in spite of the storm around you. With Jesus as your traveling partner, you can raise the sail of hope and embark on a journey, knowing that joy and wisdom will travel with you!

Whatever you find in the hold of your ship that causes you to fellowship with darkness, throw it overboard this very moment! Invite Jesus into your mind and ask the Holy Spirit to bring you to home.

Today’s Prayer
Lord, I pray that the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit will be with me on my journey to you. Protect me from those who would sink me into despair. Surround me with people who believe in you and my life in you. Together, we will seek your Kingdom on this great adventure! Amen.

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