Sunday, August 5, 2012


The LORD will guide you continually, and satisfy your needs in parched places, and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters never fail.
Isaiah 58.11

I hate to give up on anything. Giving up goes against every fiber of my being. But sometimes, you just come to the end of your rope. You know the feeling. You have bills you can’t pay, you have kids you can’t understand, you have work that just won’t get done, you have weight you can’t loose, or you have a spouse you can’t get along with. There are so many things in life that make you just want to throw up your hands and give up.

Well, maybe it’s time to do exactly that.

I don’t mean to give in. And I don’t mean surrender to the situation and walk away hopeless. Don’t turn your back on anything that is important to you, no matter how difficult the situation becomes.

When you come to that critical point of despair when there is no where else to turn – this is the moment of decision. Do you give in? No! You Give UP! How? Just throw your hands in the air and give it all up to God!

Here’s something for you to remember. Paul Newman was an incredible actor, entrepreneur and even a race car driver. He won an Academy Award, raised hundreds of millions for charities and beat the competition on the race course. It seems some people are just born with exceptional abilities. I’m sure you know this kind of person. But, according to Paul Newman, he did not hold much ability at all. "I don't have a gift for anything. I've only had a gift of pursuit,” he said. "That is a gift I would recommend to us all: the gift of pursuit.”

Life does not come easy to anyone. It may appear that some people have it all and have it easy, but looks are deceiving. Life is hard. It is a marathon. And God will be with you every step of the way if you raise your hands and give it all up to Him. Our Lord Jesus does not want you to fail, despair or live in fear. He wants you to be victorious! And He knows the only way for you to realize every great victory in your life is to pursue the victory through Him.

Don’t try to do it alone. Yes, your bills, your kids, your work, and your spouse are all waiting for you. So, you need to attend to every aspect of your life and make the most of it. But, don’t go it alone. Take the time each day to raise your hands to God and invite Him to go along with you on your journey. I promise you will never regret giving it all up to God!

This Week’s Prayer
Dear Lord, I raise my hands in prayer to You. I worship You and praise You. There is nowhere else for me to turn. I have so many challenges today, Jesus. I can’t do it alone. I need You. I need to give up my life to You! Yes, take every aspect of my life, Lord, and guide me with Your awesome wisdom and strength. I promise I will never give in. I know I must You so that I can always pursue the victory You have promised. Take me with You and thank You for always guiding me and walking with me. Amen.