Monday, November 7, 2011


When men are brought low and you say, ‘Lift them up!’
then he will save the downcast.”
Job 22:29

A young man was learning to be a paratrooper. Before his first jump, he was given very clear instructions by the jump master: “Jump when you are told. Count to ten and pull the rip cord. In the unlikely event your parachute doesn't open, pull the emergency rip cord. When you get down, a truck will be there to take you back to the airport.”
The young man memorized these instructions and climbed aboard the plane. The plane climbed to ten thousand feet and the paratroopers began to jump. When the young man was told to jump, he jumped. Just as he was told, he counted to ten and pulled the rip cord. Nothing happened. His chute failed to open. So he pulled the emergency rip cord. Still, nothing happened. No parachute.
"Oh great," said the young man. "And I suppose the truck won't be there when I get down either!"
Sometimes, when trouble comes upon you, it just keeps coming and coming. There is no life without trouble and challenges or even disasters and tragedy. At one time or another, all of us will experience or be close to illness, accidents, betrayals, and death. If it hasn’t happened to you yet, it will. And when these days come upon us, the first thing we ask ourselves is, “Why?” Somehow, we think our troubles will be easier if we know the reason behind them.
Rarely is there a reason we can easily see or comprehend. But, there is always a purpose to our pain, a purpose that God needs you to understand.
There is an analogy from an old minister that goes like this: A bar of iron worth 1 dollar, when hammered into horseshoes, is worth 2 dollars. If made into needles, it is worth 70 dollars. If into penknife blades, it is worth 650 dollars. If into springs for watches, it is worth 50,000 dollars. What a drilling the poor bar must undergo to be worth this! But the more it is manipulated, the more it is hammered and passed through the fire, and is beaten and sharpened and polished, the greater its value.
You see, you are of more value to our Lord Jesus when you have gone through the trials and tribulations of life. In fact, those who suffer most are capable of yielding most. Why? Because you are able to identify with the pain and suffering of Jesus on the Cross, thereby bringing you closer to Him, and you are able to identify and encourage others who will go through the fire in the days to come.
Seldom does God use a person greatly who has not been hurt deeply. Yes, you have been through a lot. Sometimes, it’s too much to bear. But, you are warrior of life. And you have been saved from despair and destruction by Jesus Christ.
Now, He wants you to stand by those who need protection from the storms of life. They need you because you know where the pitfalls are. You know the darkness of hopeless days. You know how much it hurts and how lonely it can be. But, you also know what it is like to call upon Jesus. You know how to sit with someone and call His name in prayer. And you know the joy and hope of His voice when the new dawn awakens in your heart.
It has been said that the brook would lose its song if we removed the rocks. And those of us with the voice of pain have the responsibility to sing our song to the hurting people in our lives. It is the blessed sound of heaven’s healing. The music of the Holy Spirit that calls to the broken hearts of the world.
Why do we go through so much in life? Because God put us here for Him and for each other. The Lord has made you strongest where you were wounded the deepest. Today, someone near you needs that strength.

This week’s prayer
Lord Jesus, I love you. As your child, I confess it is sometimes difficult to thank you for the problems I have had in life. But, I do thank you for them all. Your plan is greater than I could ever see or know. I only pray that I may live a life that brings honor and glory to you. I know that my life will have difficult days. Please allow me the strength, patience, and wisdom to use these experiences as a foundation for the healing of others. Make my life a living sacrifice, an encouragement and an example to those who suffer this day. May they see the light of your love coming from my heart. Amen. 

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