Sunday, November 7, 2010

This Old House

“You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”
1 Peter 2:5

As the Autumn leaves come to their glorious annual collage of color and brilliance, many of us will take to our cars and travel throughout the smaller towns of New England. What a magnificent spectacle it is to pass through these historic villages where America began its journey, with the colorful backdrop of the hills beyond.

This year, as you take a day to witness the changing colors of the leaves, I want you to look for something in particular as you drive along the old roads of the Northeast. Just look carefully in and around our colonial towns.

There, you will always find empty old Victorian style houses with magnificent architecture near the green of every quaint New England village. Passing by these old houses, many now in disrepair or falling apart entirely, just imagine how beautiful they must have been when they were first built all those years ago.

Now after years of neglect, the paint is peeling, the wood is rotting, and the windows are broken. Many of the houses have been vandalized inside and out. As you look at them, it’s very hard to tell how much damage has actually been done. How much would it cost to restore an old house like these? Could any of them ever be saved?

Each has the potential to be so beautiful.

These dilapidated old structures, once filled with life and laughter, are like many of us. We enter the world beautifully created by God. Then someone hurts us; emotionally, physically or both. We shut down. Hide away. Lose interest, faith, and hope. Eventually we begin to deteriorate.

The beautiful spirits created by our Lord are often broken in life; sometimes even destroyed. In time, the home of our spirit sits empty and uncared for, and we wonder if our lives can ever be restored. What will it take to restore my life? What will it cost? Can I even be saved?

The answer is “yes.” If you allow Jesus into your heart, He can heal the wounds caused by sin and abuse. He is the Master Carpenter who can repair your broken spirit. And, unlike those old houses that will cost too much to restore, the cost of Jesus’ restoration is free. Don’t let one more minute of pain, regret, guilt, or fear bring your house down. Let Jesus in and fix up the old place....He’ll make you like new again!

Today’s Prayer
Father, thank You for being the Lord who restores us. Please let me feel Your healing touch today and every day. Let the work You do in my life be a testimony to You. And please let my restoration be for Your honor and glory. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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