Sunday, October 7, 2012


“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.’”
Mark 12:30-31

Every year thousands of Christian books are published, millions of people go to Christian Conferences and billions of dollars are spent on Christian broadcasting. And all of this wonderfully energetic activity takes place for one reason: People are just trying to understand Christ and how to live as Christians.

It’s encouraging that so many people have a hunger to know God’s truth. When they find it, it is a privilege and honor to witness. You can see the light shine in someone’s eyes the minute they see the full vision of their life in Christ. It may be during a worship service, or while attending a gathering of leaders, or reading a book, or watching a Christian video. Suddenly there is an eternal spark in their soul.

While all those educational and enriching programs are a blessing, it is important to remember that for centuries, Christians lived their lives without any of it. No conferences, no television shows and very few Christians were able to read the few books that were available, even the Bible.

Yet, they understood the main thing about Christ and how to be a Christian. How? Because through the simple teachings of Christ they were able to grasp His simple message: Love God with everything you’ve got and love other people the same way you want to be loved. For almost two-thousand years it’s all that most Christians had to go on.

For Christians then and now, this is the Main Thing and according to Christ Himself, this sums up everything else.

So if you’re looking for the main thing; something new in Christianity or if you’re waiting for some great revelation about your life, let me remind you what an old preacher used to tell his congregation, “You got the blues? Well, I’ll give you ten ways to get over it! The first way is to help someone else. Next, repeat that nine times!

There is no great mystery to the love of Jesus. He made it so plain for all of us. The main thing is to remember that the Main Thing is the main thing.

This week’s prayer
Dear Jesus, please forgive me for the times I have been distracted by the details. Remind me every day that following you means looking for the need in others and helping them find their way. I am no longer lost when I help my neighbor find their path in through the darkness. Give me the strength and courage to bring your light to those who need. And always help me to keep my mind on the main thing, You, my Lord and Savior. Amen.

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