Thursday, December 9, 2010

Running into The Flames

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
Galatians 1:3-5

Time and again, we hear the story of soldiers in combat, “going back for their buddies” who were injured on the battlefield. From the American Revolution to Iraq, brave soldiers have risked and sometimes lost their lives running into the fire instead of away from it.

Police and fire fighters do the same thing every day. As all of us run away from the danger, they run not just toward it, but into it. And the most incredible aspect of this is that they do it with the full knowledge of what may happen to them. They know they are facing death and they do it anyway.

Whenever I see this kind of bravery and courage, the kind it takes to run in the opposite direction of everyone else, I think of Jesus. Because Jesus did the very same thing. He didn’t stay by His Father’s side in heaven. He didn’t observe from a mountain-top and safely proclaim wisdom from on high. No. He ran into the sin of humanity to save us . . . and He did it knowing the sacrifice He would have to make.

From the time of His birth in the manger until His death on the Cross, Jesus was with us, here in the evil flames of the world, desperately trying to pull us out of danger.

What an inspiration! The Lord has called each of us to do the same thing every day. He expects us to do things that go against the flow of the world, to go in the opposite direction as everyone else. And that’s not always easy.

But, there have been others who have paved the way. Noah built an enormous ark at God’s command. Abraham took his only son to be sacrificed. Gideon went to war against thousands of enemies with only three hundred soldiers on his side. The disciples left all their possessions and followed the Lord.

And now, there is your story. That’s right. You can start running in the opposite direction today! Do that thing God has been putting on your heart. Hug that person who’s been on your nerves. Give away something you have to someone who needs it more. There are so many victories waiting for you, if you simply turn and run in the same direction as Jesus. Yes, follow Him. He’s always running in the right direction, and yes, it’s usually straight into trouble. That’s His specialty.

Remember, it’s easy to stand up for the innocent. But, Jesus stood up for the guilty. He stood up for You and I.

At Christmas time, you may have some unique opportunities to explain the story of Jesus and the message of His Word. Don’t worry. It’s easy to explain what Jesus did. He was just “going back for his buddies.”

Today’s Prayer
Father, I know where I am needed most. It may not always be easy to face, but with You by my side, I know I can run toward the flames of trouble. Show me what to do today. Give me the strength and courage to face the challenges and not run away. And please stay with me, as I will stay with You, so that together we will claim Your victory in every situation. Amen.

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