"And the house,
when it was in building, was built of stone made ready
before it was brought
thither: so that there was neither hammer nor axe nor any
tool of iron heard in
the house, while it was in building"
I Kings 6:7
That old story in the Bible tells us some amazing things about the building of
God’s Temple in Jerusalem. This was the most incredible construction project in
human history. Designed by God Himself, it would be His residence on earth.
But, this was no ordinary architectural dream coming to life. Every stone used
in the building was beautifully crafted at another location far away from the
Temple itself. These tremendous pieces of rock were cut and carved to fit
exactly in their specific places in the great building. And these were no
ordinary stones. These were enormous boulders that were sculpted by artists,
moved over the desert to the Temple and then finally with perfect precision.
I love this story because it reminds me of what God is
continually building in our individual lives. The Holy Spirit is carving and crafting
each of us – You! – to fit precisely
into a specific place in God’s Kingdom. Just like those old stone-carvers
centuries ago, He is the Master Artist who sees the finished product long
before anyone else. It is that great vision which guides His hands in creating you.
Don’t ever forget that you are a magnificent sculpture; a true
Master-Piece. Yes, the Holy Spirit is building a beautiful temple in your heart
right now. You have been carefully
cut from a heavenly quarry; carefully chiseled and perfectly smoothed to
fulfill your unique role in the Kingdom of God. But unlike structures built by
the hands of men, sitting on the shifting sands of earth, this great Kingdom
will never fall . . . for Jesus is the Chief Cornerstone.
And His Kingdom, with all us rocks inside, will have no end.
This Week’s Prayer
Dear Lord, Thank you for choosing me to be a precious stone.
Please break down my own walls so that I can become a strong boulder in the
walls in your Kingdom. Chisel me into whatever shape you desire. You are the
Master Craftsman of my heart, my soul and my mind. I ask you, dear Jesus, to smooth
out my rough edges so that I will be of greater service to You and to my
brothers and sisters in Christ. Amen.