Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Secret To Having A Mind Like Jesus

The Secret to Having a Mind Like Jesus

Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others. Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.

In the days of the Bible, most people expected the Messiah to arrive with great and heavenly fanfare. They believed He would destroy the oppressive enemies and free His people. A violent military deliverance was a common prayer at the time.

Of course, this was not God's plan. Jesus arrived in the world in a humble and peaceful way. He chose a far more difficult manner of conquering the world - one heart at a time through active love. He was not out to rule the people, but to redeem their hearts.

To create this movement and mindset, He served. Look at the action verbs associated with Jesus in the New Testament:

  • Preached
  • Called
  • Healed
  • Delivered
  • Taught
  • Loved
  • Forgave
  • Reached out his hand
  • Went to a home
  • Touched her hand
  • Spoke in authority
  • Calmed the storm
  • Cast out
  • Had dinner with sinners
  • Addressed the crowd
  • Touched their eyes
  • Went through the towns and villages
  • Had compassion
  • Sent out the 12
  • Gave authority
  • Taught in the synagogue
  • Multiplied food
  • Walked on water
  • Prayed for children
  • Healed blindness
  • Drove out the money changers
  • Challenged the Pharisees
  • Crucified
  • Resurrected
Jesus’ life was marked by constant, active, tireless service to people and by continually giving glory to God.

This is the Great Example He is showing each of us today. You can find no greater purpose and have no greater goal than to Imitate Christ your whole life through.

Warning: An active life of service without faith in God can lead to burn-out and bitterness toward those we serve.

Another Warning: A life of faith that has no active service is, according to the Bible, dead works.

That is why it is crucial that you balance your life as Jesus Himself modeled it for you; giving your good work to people for God's glory and giving your heart completely to God.

Today's Prayer
Father God, You are Loving and True. Thank You for coming here to heal our hearts and not to gain political power, fame, or anything that the world deems great. May my faith be active and my life produce glory for You always. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Your Soul Runs Deep

Your Soul Runs Deep
Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls;
all your waves and breakers have swept over me.
Psalm 42:7
The era in which we live is unprecedented. Never before in human history have we faced this unique set of circumstances and challenges. This is the reality in which we live.
But, as followers of Jesus, we must face a different reality. Shallow, ignorant thinking does not catch our imagination or move us. For us, Jesus speaks directly to the hero in our soul. And this gives each of us a purpose that runs very deep.
For such a time as this, we call upon the Lord for unusual strength. He alone makes us courageous when we are under mounting pressures.
There are some breeds of fish that thrive two thousand feet below the surface of the ocean, enduring a pressure of a thousand pounds per square inch. How do they survive? They are made for that kind of pressure. In fact, when they are brought to shallow waters, they die.
Likewise, we are not made for shallow waters. Jesus needs us to go deep and search for those lost in the dark depths.
If you doubt that you can handle this kind of pressure, remember Jesus, who endured the Cross. He went there to take the pressure of sin off your life. He went there so you would never have to.
In these trying days we can draw added strength from the deep wellspring of eternal life in Jesus Christ, and fight all the more courageously through every obstacle.
Today's Prayer
Father God, you are my strength and my Salvation. I pray that Your Holy Spirit will fill my soul to their very depths, that no outer force will ever defeat the great path upon which You have placed me. Grant me the strength to live and the courage to dare deeper each day. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Serving In The Shadow of God

For those who serve it the shadow of God this Christmas . . .

I'm Still Here

I watched you decorate the tree this year,
As I always have since our first Christmas together.
I loved seeing you string the lights around and around.
I adored the careful movement of your hands as you hung each ornament.

Most of all, I loved the glow on the faces of our children,
As they saw your creation come to life in our home.
They watched with me as you danced your way up and down the ladder.
I hope you know my hand was always there to keep you steady.

The children did not notice when you paused for a moment.
They did not see your tears falling on that old ornament we found together years ago.
Do not worry, my love. They did not see.
I was holding them. I was holding them.

Please forgive me for leaving you all so soon.
I tried holding on in those last few moments.
I tried so hard.
But, too much of me had been torn away.

As blood and life passed from me, my last thoughts were of you.
The greatest pain I felt was knowing how my violent end would hurt you.
Your heart was going to break and there was nothing I could do to stop it.
I could not bear to look at your face when they told you.

Did you see me behind the man who came to our door?
Did you feel me by your side when they handed you the flag?
Yes, I'm still here, my darling. Forever, I am with you.
You and our children will never be alone.

Nor am I alone, here above.
For there are countless others with me, my brothers and sisters in arms.
I am surrounded now, not by the dark enemy who tormented us in life,
But by a loving army of angels in uniform.

We gave our lives in service to you
And to people we never met.
From heaven, ours souls are forever devoted to you.
We carry the eternal honor of guarding your safety, your freedom, your liberty.

In life we stood guard to protect you, to hold back all that might bring you harm.
We walked the walls of the cities, the streets of the villages, the jungles, the deserts, the battlefields.
Day and night we patrolled on foot, on horseback, on the land, in the air and on the sea.
Now, we stand guard in eternity, serving in the shadow of God.

I watched you decorate the tree this year.
As I always will, until we are together again for Christmas.

Copyright 2015 - Raymond Bechard

Friday, July 11, 2014

Two Things You Must Know to Have Good Cheer Today

"In the world you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer: I have overcome the world." John 16:33

Every day, we are surrounded by bad news coming in from all directions. It is commonplace to become discouraged. When this happens, we lose confidence in ourselves and in others. Even God seems far off. Finally, thinking too much about ourselves and the conditions in the world often lead to depression.

More than ever before, we need to hear Jesus’ message of encouragement, “Be of good cheer.”

In the Bible we find two cures for discouragement.

First, we are to lift our thoughts and prayers toward God. We gain faith in His wisdom, power, and purpose. This is the victory which gives us the power to overcome the world and all its evil forces. When we open our hearts to God’s Son, He brings us cheer amid our doubts and discouragements. We realize that after His apparent defeat on the cross, He won a glorious victory for us in the Resurrection.

The second cure is in finding something worthwhile to do. When Paul was discouraged in his cell in Jerusalem. God said, “Be of good cheer,” and sent him to Rome for a new mission. In the upper room Jesus told His disciples to be of good cheer because He had overcome the world, and then sent them forth to win new victories for Him in the world. Our faith in Christ, who conquered sin, death, and all evil, gives us total victory over our world. Abiding in Christ gives us life, joy, and peace. As a result we become people of good cheer.

Today's Prayer
Father in heaven, may the Spirit of Christ give us courage for today, strength for our burdens, and such faith in You that we may have good cheer in our hearts and victory over all forces of this world. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Monday, March 10, 2014

A Brand New Nature

Father in Heaven, I understand that while I was given a brand new nature at the moment of my conversion, I still have old habits, patterns, and practices that need to be removed and replaced. Sometimes I am afraid to humbly face the truth about myself. My habits define my character and there is only one way to develop the habits of Christlike character: I must practice them-and that takes time! There are no instant habits. I am what I repeatedly do. Motivation is what gets me started. Habit is what keeps me going. I want to be more Like Jesus, but it is so hard sometimes to get rid of "Me" and "Be-Him." Help me to practice new disciplines so I will build new habits that please You. Change me enough so that all others witness the change in me. Shine through me, in Jesus Name and Power. Amen.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


"For we know that if the tent that is our earthly home is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For in this tent we groan, longing to put on our heavenly dwelling, if indeed by putting it on[a] we may not be found naked. For while we are still in this tent, we groan, being burdened—not that we would be unclothed, but that we would be further clothed, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life.  . . . Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.[a] The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 18 All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; 19 that is, in Christ God was reconciling[b] the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation."2 Corinthians 5:1-4, 17-19

God has created a specific place He has prepared especially for you. If you confess, you are given access to this place . . . and live this incredible life of reconciliation with Him. But remember, no one put your past upon you. It's yours and yours alone. So, there is some legwork you must do. Walk in repentance and be reconciled with Him. This is how you become an integral part of the ministry of reconciliation. Then you can intercede for others and assist in building others up! 

But first, understand your position. If any man be in Christ you are a"new creation." No matter what, do not let anyone take you off your game. Do not create confusion or allow it into your life. Know that the enemy has no power over you. He tries to make you mess up. But residing in Christ means you cannot lose. Believe - know with certainty - that you have power. God has given you all power in every situation. 

You loose when you allow doubt to creep in. Life is your training ground. When adversity comes, use the power of God for victory. 

Ultimately, there is no failure in Christ.

Thank you Rev. Fred Lawrence

Monday, November 25, 2013

Making It Through The Storm

"My Most Significant Opportunities Will Be Found In My Times Of Greatest Difficulty."
- Raymond Bechard

No one escapes trials in life. When pursuing your God-given dreams, you are on a collision course with challenges and disappointments. But, these don't have to derail your destiny! Please remember that God is in control. So don't demand to understand all the challenges in life. Just trust in God's specific, glorious plan for you. Take a deep breath (or two, or twenty) and remain faithful no matter what. Don't give up and quit on your dream no matter what you face. Boldly ask God to give you the strength to stay faithful to what He's called you to do.

Today's Prayer
Father in Heaven, Thank-You for reminding me today, that once the storm is over, I may not remember how I made it through, how I managed to survive. I won't even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When I come out of the storm, I won't be the same person who walked in. That's what this storm's all about. In Jesus name. Amen....